Sunday, March 22, 2015

On 3-29-15, Mark 11:1-11 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as The Son of David or The One Who Comes

The Son of David


The One Who Comes


Mark 11:1-11

International Sunday School Lesson

March 29th, 2015




Jed Greenough


How many people will come to know Jesus for the first time this Easter season?  How many more of those Easters do you think there will be?  For some, they will not even see this one.

As I write this my mother is in the throes of advanced age and all that brings.  Three trips to the ER and two to skilled care in the last two months have brought on a quickening of dementia that has only brought glimpses of her now to me.

But yet something remains for which I am immeasurably happy.  In amongst the anger and nonsense are times when she comforts herself with prayer while being unaware that others are around her.  Frequent statements with names from the past are interrupted with repetitions of “come Lord Jesus, come Lord Jesus.”  She remembers He said He was coming back because He said He would.

When we read today’s scripture we see that Jesus told the disciples that they would find a colt tied in a certain place and He told them how to answer those who would question them.

Likewise Jesus told His disciples that they should “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

Everything that Jesus said as we know either has or will come true.  The colt is tied and waiting, baptized believers saved and nonbelievers condemned.  Eventually my mom’s prayer will be answered.

When I read in today’s scripture that when Jesus entered Jerusalem He went into the temple and looked around, it was late and He left.  I knew that the very next day He would return and His righteous fury would be displayed.

Do you think about that Jesus as well or just the Jesus riding on the colt?  In the scene we aren’t reading about today but I mention, Jesus says in Mark 11 believe in your heart what you pray and it will be so.  My mom wants it so much this Easter season for Him to return quickly, do you?

I know that He is coming back and so do you.  When you think about Him riding in on the colt this week remember also Him looking around the temple and then abruptly departing, but then remember His return to the temple the very next day.

Be prepared and share the gospel like you believe He is coming back today.


For Discussion:

  1. Jesus told the disciples what to expect that day.  Discuss some things He told us to expect.
  2. Share the prophecy from the Old Testament with regard to Jesus riding a colt.
  3. Share the scripture from Revelation where instead of a colt Jesus is seen on a white horse. 
  4. Compare that scripture with today’s.
  5. Share the parallel scriptures to today’s.
  6. Discuss what you think Jesus was thinking as He rode in with the joyous crowd.
  7. Discuss what you think Jesus was thinking when He looked around the temple.
  8. Happy Easter!




Upcoming Lessons

4-5     Resurrection Guaranteed or Believe in the Resurrection   1 Corintians 15:1-11, 20-22








Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved




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